There are TWO options to choose from: ‘Plug and play’ or ‘Pick-n-mix’.

Host the United Kids’ programme in your venue by live streaming the entire content at 9:30am each morning. You welcome and host the event with United Kids providing all the content!

A hybrid of live, in-person worship, prayer ministry and activities hosted and presented by you alongside a pre-recorded show, Bible story and teaching. You design your sessions that will serve your community best and enable in-person Holy Spirit ministry and more!

This model is for communities that have the facility to project YouTube live at 9:30am and wish to host the event with all the United Kids content provided. Based upon ‘Household bubble model.’ (See ‘Venue’ for more information).
Suggested timetable:
Time (approx.) |
What |
Who |
How |
8:50 |
Set-up and prayer |
All team |
Local host |
9:15 |
Open doors and registration
Bubbles: Work packs
Interactive games – (see CORE elements)
Welcome team
AV (music playing)
(Work packs and equipment prepared in advance and provided per child)
Local host |
9:25 |
Welcome and housekeeping information |
Presenter |
Local host |
9:30 |
Watch ‘United kids’ |
AV- YouTube link |
United Kids |
10:15 |
Closing prayer and dismissal |
AV (music playing)
Local host |
10:30 |
Tidy-up |
All team |
Local host |

This model is a hybrid of in-person provision as well as showing pre-recorded material supplied by United Kids. As its name suggests, this is a flexible programme whereby you can choose the content, the timing, the duration and the in-person content that suits your local community. To design and create your sessions, please look through the CORE and OPTIONAL elements below to create your programme. As the United Kids CORE sessions are pre-recorded, you can place them anywhere within your programme. Please note, timings are approximate. Based upon ‘Household bubble model.’ (See ‘Venue’ for more information).
We suggest including the CORE elements below:
Show 5 mins: (A daily drama sketch involving Strings, The Boss and Daisy who explore the key theme of the day and always send with a silly song!) United Kids pre-recorded material provided in advance (please request. See ‘United Kids event information’).
Bible story 3 mins: (A daily Bible reading following the story of Moses from birth through to entering The Promised Land). United Kids pre-recorded material provided in advance (please request. See ‘United Kids event information’).
Teaching 5 mins: (A daily teaching slot led by different speakers each day, looking at God’s Spirit at work in the lives of Moses, Jesus, and ourselves) United Kids pre-recorded material provided in advance (please request. See ‘United Kids event information’).
Ministry 5 mins: (An opportunity to invite children and adults to encounter the Holy Spirit and to respond) In-person, local host led response to the teaching.
Sung worship 10 mins: (An opportunity to worship God in songs and actions – If permissions allow) In-person, local host led by own band.
Work packs 10 mins: (A daily work pack full of puzzles, activities, key teaching, and prayer) In-person host to print/provide equipment. United Kids work pack printable resource.
Interactive Games 15 mins: (A daily set of video-based challenges which the children can vote for using Kahoot! The Kahoot is built into our website and the children/group will need a device to be able to vote for the answer. They get to pick a random name from the name picker on the website and then they watch and play along. YOU WILL NEED ANOTHER DEVICE – if you choose to do it this way – these are not games we can share with you before the event. Another idea could be to play along and keep a record of the answers within your set up).
You may also wish to include OPTIONAL elements below:
Gunge challenge 5 mins: (A daily gungy game to watch) United Kids pre-recorded material provided in advance (please request. See ‘United kids event information’).
Craft 15 mins: (Suggested craft activities that you print at home/church and provide in each household craft box or craft area) In-person printing and collection of equipment. Pack suggestions and printable templates.
Games 15 mins: (Suggested games and challenges that can be undertaken in Households or in groups depending on your situation/restrictions) In-person collection of equipment and leading of games. Pack suggestions.
Prayer 5 mins: (A daily suggested creative prayer activity that you prepare at home/church and complete as a household or in groups depending on your situation/restrictions). In-person collection of equipment and leading of activity. Pack suggestions and printable resources.
Prayer shack (open throughout): (If restrictions allow: a space for children to go in order to spend time chatting and catching with God – assisted by trained team members). In-person prayer shack – team must be DBS checked, have in-house prayer ministry training, and follow all safeguarding and government restrictions. (See ‘Prayer shack.’).
As this is ‘Pick-n-mix’ there is no one way of designing your programme. However here are a few suggestions that may help with your planning.
1 hour programme (approx.) PLUS preparation
Time (approx.) |
What |
Who |
How |
45 mins
Set-up and prayer |
All team |
Local host |
Doors open:
(15 mins)
Open doors and registration
Bubbles: Initial craft activity
Interactive games (see CORE elements)
Welcome team
AV (music playing)
(Work packs and equipment prepared in advance and provided per child) |
Local host |
Welcome introduction
(8 min)
Welcome and housekeeping information
Games and banter
Presenters |
Local host |
Prayer shack open |
Open space for prayer throughout session |
Prayer Team |
Local host |
Sung worship
(3 min)
Worship song |
Band |
Local host |
(5 min)
Drama sketch to introduce main daily theme |
United Kids |
United Kids (pre-recorded video) |
Gunge challenge
(5 min)
Gungy challenge to watch and cheer on |
United Kids |
United Kids (pre-recorded video) |
(5 min)
High energy game
from pack suggestions
Presenters |
Local host |
(3 min)
Bible story |
United Kids |
United Kids (pre-recorded video) |
(3 min)
Worship song |
Band |
Local host |
(5 min)
Main teaching |
United Kids |
United Kids (pre-recorded video) |
(5 min)
Holy Spirit led in-person ministry response |
Presenters |
Local host |
Work pack
(10 min) |
Complete daily puzzle/work pages |
In bubbles (Presenters to lead) |
Local host |
Creative prayer
(5 min)
Complete daily creative prayer |
In bubbles
(Presenters to lead)
Local host |
Recap and dismissal
Closing song
(5 min)
Recap main teaching point and pray
Worship song
Local host |
1.5hour programme (approx.) PLUS preparation
Time (approx.) |
What |
Who |
How |
45 mins
Set-up and prayer |
All team |
Local host |
Doors open:
(15 mins)
Open doors and registration
Bubbles: Initial craft activity
Interactive games (see CORE elements)
Welcome team
AV (music playing)
(Work packs and equipment prepared in advance and provided per child) |
Local host |
Welcome introduction
(8 min)
Welcome and housekeeping information
Games and banter
Presenters |
Local host |
Prayer shack open |
Open space for prayer throughout session |
Prayer Team |
Local host |
Sung worship
(3 min)
Worship song |
Band |
Local host |
(5 min)
Drama sketch to introduce main daily theme |
United Kids |
United Kids (pre-recorded video) |
Gunge challenge
(5 min)
Gungy challenge to watch and cheer on |
United Kids |
United Kids (pre-recorded video) |
(5 min)
High energy game
from pack suggestions
Presenters |
Local host |
(3 min)
Bible story |
United Kids |
United Kids (pre-recorded video) |
(3 min)
Worship song |
Band |
Local host |
(5 min)
Main teaching |
United Kids |
United Kids (pre-recorded video) |
(5 min)
Holy Spirit led in-person ministry response |
Presenters |
Local host |
(10 mins)
Local host |
Work pack
(10 min) |
Complete daily puzzle/work pages |
In bubbles (Presenters to lead) |
Local host |
Complete craft activities from pack |
In bubbles
(Presenters to lead)
Local host |
(5 mins)
High energy game
from pack suggestions
Presenters |
Local host |
Creative prayer
(5 min)
Complete daily creative prayer |
In bubbles
(Presenters to lead)
Local host |
Recap and dismissal
Closing song
(5 min)
Recap main teaching point and pray
Worship song
Local host |