Your generosity fuels lasting transformation. Together, we can
renew lives, strengthen churches, and restore communities.
Train and support leaders to serve in local churches and communities.
Release young people into Spirit-filled ministry.
Invest in church multiplication to spark renewal and revival.
Together, we can see God’s Kingdom come in powerful ways. By partnering with us, you will help equip a new generation to carry out Spirit-filled ministry and bring renewal to every community and in every context.
New Wine Trust do not pay fees on these transactions. Our bank details are as follows:
Sort code: 20-65-90
Account: 03479978
Account Name: New Wine Trust
Please make cheques payable to ‘New Wine Trust‘ and send to
New Wine Trust, 4A Ridley Avenue, Ealing, W13 9XW.
To add Gift Aid to your donation, please include ‘Gift Aid’ as a reference.