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New Wine Trustee

New Wine Trust
Description of Job

We are also looking for Trustees who together exercise all the necessary functions of a charitable Board in 21st Century Britain. That involves financial propriety, good risk management, transparent HR practices, effective safeguarding, appropriate data management and the like.

Our Trustees each bring skills and experience to the Board and in exercising their role together they create a culture in which our church leaders and executive staff know they can thrive, know they have professional advice at hand, and are able to work out the agreed strategy to see the vision become a reality.

New Wine is not just an event – we are a network of leaders, and a family of churches. Our vision is to see local churches changing nations.

We are looking for Trustees who will be people who have this vision and these values, people with faith in a God who is able to work miraculously today, people who trust the Bible as the word of God, who are courageous disciples of Jesus, who are sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and who are immersed in a church with these values.

This is not a paid role. Trustees meet bi-monthly as a full board, but also convene sub-committees to undertake specific detailed pieces of work, which will then fall to be reported at the next full board meeting.

The main sub-committees are:

  • Finance & Investment Committee
  • The charity’s investments and investment strategy, including authorising any movements of more than £100,000
  • Setting of Budgets
  • Monitoring of accounting reserves and cash
  • Accounting issues
  • People & Remuneration Committee
  • Oversight of remuneration and conditions of employed staff
  • Setting of senior staff pay
  • Agreeing annual pay increases
  • Arranging pay benchmarking reviews, as required from time to time
  • Safeguarding Committee
  • Oversight of safeguarding across the year.
  • Monitoring of festival practises and safeguarding concerns.
  • Review of policies.

Skills sought:

  • Finance
  • Fundraising
  • HR
  • Safeguarding
  • New Wine “muscle memory”- our Chair, National Leader & Director of Operations were all appointed in 2023.

If you would like more information or to have a discussion about your suitability please email the Chair of Trustees, Jill Duff. Please outline the skills and experience you feel would be particularly beneficial to New Wine as well as your commitment to the vision of 'Local Churches changing nations'.

Download the Trustees pack here.

There will be an onsite lunch and question time at New Wine Festival 2024. Please email to register your interest.


New Wine Trust

New Wine is a Christian charity based in London operating all over England actively working with local churches to change nations.

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