Pray with us for kids, youth and families leaders in churches

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Luke 18:16)

At Parenting for Faith, our heart is that parents and carers are equipped to confidently disciple their children and teens, and churches play a hugely important role in that. So please join us as we:

Pray for the army of kids, youth and families leaders and volunteers who tirelessly love and encourage the families in our churches.

Pray for their continued strength and creativity as they shape their ministries around Covid restrictions.

Pray that they find community even in this season of separation and isolation, and that events such as Parenting for Faith’s Forge retreats (see photo above) provide a welcome break from day-to-day ministry and a rich source of community and wisdom.

Pray that as they plan for the lifting of lockdown, they know what of their current ministry to keep and what to lay down.

Pray that Parenting for Faith’s resources prove fruitful in their ministries, particularly the new book and videos for parents and carers of babies and toddlers and the Parenting for Faith course.

Pray that as we plan and deliver training for children, youth and families leaders, particularly the monthly Facebook Live webinars and the new Cliff College Certificate in Parenting for Faith, it will speak deeply into people’s hearts and equip them well.

Thank you for joining us in prayer.

We would love to hear your story of God at work in your home, family, church & community. Email us at