April Prayer Diary

As we journey towards Easter, we remember that Jesus’ journey to the cross gives eternal hope, in times when hope feels hard to find.


World Vision is responding to the devastating impact of the conflict in Ukraine in Romania, Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine.

World Vision is committed to serving 290,000 people affected by the conflict in Ukraine, Romania, Moldova and Georgia with life-saving assistance to meet the basic and protection needs, from the inception of our response until the end of May.

Yet while World Vision is rapidly responding to this tragic crisis, we painfully recognise this conflict continues. Therefore, our minds and hearts must start preparing for the call to expand and deepen our humanitarian operations in service of those who cannot yet return home.

Dear Lord, hear our prayers of protection for Ukrainian families and children, as many are separated from each other – with millions escaping, and others making difficult choices to stay, even as the situation worsens.

We pray for World Vision’s local staff, for the strength they need to continue to be your hands and feet, bringing practical support and hope to the children and families they serve.

And Lord, peace is the only way. Be with global leaders as they seek peaceful solutions for Ukrainians and an end to this horrific conflict. Help us to do all we can to help our neighbours – love is Your greatest commandment.




Transforming Lives for Good (TLG), is a Christian children’s charity passionate about seeing struggling children find hope in the face of adversity. TLG offers a practical approach to build strong connections between local churches, families and schools; providing a lifeline to children and families facing heart-breaking challenges.

We pray for every one of the incredible children and families we support. Would they feel God’s love through every interaction with TLG. May they grow in hope and know they are valued beyond measure.

We pray for TLG church partners as they continue supporting children facing challenging circumstances. Father, would you help volunteers, church leaders and teachers to have patience and kindness as they walk alongside children.

We pray for the children joining TLG Education Centres this year. May they settle in quickly and build great relationships with others. We pray God’s love will shine through every TLG teacher and staff member and His hope pour out into every child’s life.

Thank you for joining us in prayer.

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